Lung Cancer

What is it?

The lung cancer risk station is a very short computerized survey that asks about tobacco use and provides information about the links between tobacco use and lung cancer risk.  The data are not shown on our website, though they are available for analysis.

How is it measured?

Participants are asked four questions  about tobacco behaviors from Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS):

  • Have you ever smoked cigarettes, even 1 or 2 puffs?
  • In the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke cigarettes?
  • In the past 30 days, when you smoked, on average, about how many cigarettes did you smoke per day?
  • Have you ever used smokeless tobacco?

This station is available for the following audience and takes approximately:

  • Adults (English, Spanish,) – Takes 1-3 minutes
  • Kids over 13 years only (English, Spanish) – Takes 1-3 minutes.

How we determined the categories?

Responses indicating higher tobacco frequency were assigned points and tabulated to provide participants with feedback based on three risk levels.

Where to get more information…

Tobacco use isn’t the only risk factor for lung cancer!  For more information about lung cancer risk, please visit:

National Cancer Institute’s website

OHSU’s Knight Cancer Institute

Research Bibliography

Tobacco behaviors from Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)

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